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Safe Dog-to-Dog Interactions

a terrier chasing a german shepherd on a beach with the caption Safe Dog-to-Dog Interactions

Dogs are social animals and love interacting with other dogs. But it’s important to make sure that their interactions are safe, especially if they’re not familiar with each other. Here are some tips for ensuring safe dog-to-dog interactions. Contents of this article: What are safe dog-to-dog interactions? How do dogs greet each other? Introducing new … Read more

How to deal with your over excited dog

Two over excited dogs running together with the caption over excited dogs

“Help! My dog won’t leave other dogs alone!” Have you ever been embarrassed because your over excited dog jumps on other dogs? Do you wish your over excited dog would just stay calm and leave other dogs alone? If so, keep reading. If you’re wondering how to train your dog to ignore other dogs, don’t … Read more