Pet Dog Training Today was created to cut through the bad advice online regarding how to train dogs and deal with behavior issues.
Welcome to my site!
I’m Julia Jenkins and I’m a qualified dog trainer with the Institute of Modern Dog Trainers (IMDT).
When I’m not creating no-nonsense, science-based articles about dog training and behavior for Pet Dog Training Today, I run a specialised service providing practical support to help pet parents rehabilitate their reactive dogs.

Before I was a dog trainer, my first dog developed separation anxiety. Luckily I had good advice from a wonderful trainer who knew her stuff – this was in the days before social media!
Now, when people encounter a problem, they ask for help online. When attempting to deal with their dog’s issues, they may receive advice which – at best, won’t help the problem, or – at worst, will make the problem more severe or create a whole host of other issues.
For this website, I wanted to try and put together really good science-based content on training and behavior that pet parents can rely on when they are attempting to resolve their dog’s issues.
I hope to succeed in this mission. I will give it my best shot because I know your dog is as important to you as mine are to me.
Julia Jenkins
Founder of Pet Dog Training Today
What to do now?
If you are here it means you too are looking to understand your dog better and make your best friend happier.
The good news is, I have prepared everything to help you achieve that. So from here you can either:
- Browse the training library if you are here to teach your dog some new skills.
- Read the behavior articles if your dog has a problem, to help you understand your dog’s issues.
I hope you enjoy the content I worked so hard to put together, and if you have any suggestions to make this site better, I’d love to hear them!
Julia Jenkins
Founder of Pet Dog Training Today