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Why Is The Bichon Frise Falling In Popularity?

Bichon frise uk registration 2012-2021

There’s no denying that the Bichon Frise has been a popular breed of dog in the past. But what you may not know is that this little fur ball is starting to fall out of favor with pet owners. So what’s behind this decline in popularity? Let’s take a closer look.

Contents of this article:

  1. Why is the Bichon Frise falling in popularity?
  2. Are Bichons going extinct?
  3. Are Bichons in demand?
  4. Bichon Frise numbers.
  5. Why should you get a Bichon Frise?
  6. Pros and cons of a Bichon Frise.
    1. 12 Bichon Frise Pros
    2. Cons
  7. Are Bichons still popular?
  8. Why are there so few Bichon Frises now?

Why is the Bichon Frise falling in popularity?

The Bichon Frise is a small, white dog with a bouncy personality and a playfulness that belies its regal origins. Unfortunately, these days the Bichon Frise is falling out of favor with the general public.

bichon frise playing on grass

There are a number of reasons for this decline in popularity, but the primary one seems to be that the Bichon Frise is simply too much work for the average person. These dogs require a great deal of grooming, and they are also known to be problematic barkers.

As a result, many people are choosing to adopt other breeds of dogs that are less demanding. While this is certainly understandable, it is still sad to see such an elegant breed falling out of favor.

Hopefully, with some education and effort, we can once again appreciate the Bichon Frise for the delightful companion it was always meant to be.

Are Bichons going extinct?

The Bichon Frise is not currently in danger of extinction, but its popularity has declined in recent years and there is a worry that they may eventually become extinct as a breed in the future.

With many bichons being used to create cross breeds such as the cavapoochon, rather than being kept as a standalone breed, there is a possibility that the bichon may eventually disappear as a purebred dog.

However, this is unlikely as there are still many people who appreciate the Bichon Frise for its charming personality and lovely appearance. While the breed may not be as popular as it once was, there are still plenty of people who adore these dogs and will continue to keep them as part of their families.

The Bichon Frise is a delightful breed of dog that has long been a favorite companion of pet owners. However, in recent years, the breed has fallen out of favor due to its high maintenance needs.

While this is certainly understandable, it is still sad to see such a lovely breed decline in popularity. Let’s hope we can help the Bichon Frise regain their rightful place as one of the most beloved companion animals around.

bichon frise face close up

Are Bichons in demand?

Yes, Bichons are still in demand despite their decline in popularity. This is because they are still considered to be lovely companion animals with charming personalities. But the Bichon Frise is falling in popularity, which means that there is less demand for them than there once was.

While they may require more work than some other breeds of dogs, many people are still willing to make the extra effort to keep a Bichon Frise as part of their family.

Bichon Frise numbers.

In 2012, the Bichon Frise was the 26th most popular breed registered with the UK Kennel Club, of 222 breeds. By the end of 2021 it was in 68th place – falling a massive 42 places.

  • 2012 – 1734
  • 2013 – 1614
  • 2014 – 1411
  • 2015 – 1046
  • 2016 – 875
  • 2017 – 769
  • 2018 – 561
  • 2019 – 468
  • 2020 – 400
  • 2021 – 482

Numbers of Bichon Frise puppies registered with the UK Kennel Club have fallen by 72% over the past decade.

bichon frise puppy

Why should you get a Bichon Frise?

The Bichon Frise is a lovely breed of dog that makes an excellent companion animal. They are known for their playful personalities and their ability to get along well with people.

While they do require some extra care and grooming, the Bichon Frise is still a delightful breed of dog that is sure to bring joy to your life.

Pros and cons of a Bichon Frise.

12 Bichon Frise Pros

  1. Not Much Shedding
  2. Hypoallergenic
  3. Great for Families
  4. Ideal for small homes
  5. Good with other dogs
  6. Low exercise requirements
  7. Manageable size
  8. Good watchdog
  9. Easy to train
  10. Small yet sturdy
  11. Affectionate and playful
  12. Long life expectancy


  1. High maintenance breed
  2. Very sensitive
  3. High grooming requirements
  4. Can be prone to separation anxiety
  5. Requires lots of socialization not to be shy
  6. Can be vocal

The Bichon Frise is not as popular as it once was, but there are still many people who appreciate the breed for their charming personality and lovely appearance.

While the breed may require more work than some other breeds of dogs, the Bichon Frise is still a delightful companion that is sure to light up your life every day.

Why are there so few Bichon Frises now?

The popularity of the Bichon Frise has declined in recent years, largely due to their high maintenance needs and because they are being used for cross breeding. With some education and effort, hopefully we can help the Bichon Frise regain their rightful place as one of the most beloved companions around.

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