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How to deal with your over excited dog

Two over excited dogs running together with the caption over excited dogs

“Help! My dog won’t leave other dogs alone!”

Have you ever been embarrassed because your over excited dog jumps on other dogs? Do you wish your over excited dog would just stay calm and leave other dogs alone?

If so, keep reading. If you’re wondering how to train your dog to ignore other dogs, don’t worry – there are a few things you can do. In this article, we will talk about how to stop a your pooch from displaying such overly excited behaviors around other dogs.

There are a number of reasons why Fido might act this way. It can be dangerous for them, and it’s important to learn how to stop it. We will tell you some ways to help your pooch calm down when they are around other dogs. This will help them avoid getting into trouble with the other dogs.

Dogs who have ever been allowed to freely interact with other dogs will often want to play when they see another of their own kind. This can lead to unwanted behavior if the other pooch doesn’t want to play or if there isn’t an opportunity for a game, such as during leash walks.

When a dog has so much excitement that they bark and lunge at other dogs and have no impulse control, this is known as a frustrated greeter. This can become a very serious issue if the dog’s behavior escalates, with some dogs redirecting their frustration towards their owners and mouthing or biting them.

Keep your dog on a lead or long line to prevent a bad interaction with another dog

If your pooch gets overstimulated and highly aroused by other dogs and you have no recall when another dog is within sight, it’s important to keep your dog on a lead or a long line.

Even if they’re a friendly dog and mean no harm, if their play style is too brash they might approach the wrong dog and get told off by them for being bad mannered.

If a dog or puppy is harshly corrected by another, this can cause behavioral issues including fear and anxiety around other dogs. And sometimes it only takes just one experience of a negative interaction for a dog to develop what we call reactivity in dogs.

Train your dog to focus on you, and use other dogs as distractions

Instead of allowing your dog to demote you to the fun sponge at the end of the lead who offers the park walking taxi service so they can romp with their canine buddies, teach your dog to pay attention to you when other dogs are nearby.

Start by keeping your dog at a distance from exciting situations in order to hold your dog’s focus, but you will gradually be able to get closer and have your dog pay attention to you with regular training.

Play games with your dog that will keep their attention. Make sure the games have lots of rewards so they know that being with you is more beneficial and fun than running around with other dogs.

Use playing with other dogs as a reward

If you see another dog and it is safe for your dog to approach them, ask your dog to do a good behavior like sit or a few easy hand targets. Then say “Go play” and let them have some fun.

Wait for a break in what they are doing, interrupt play, get their attention, and recall them. If they don’t respond to your recall cue, go get them. Then give them their favorite treat and send them back to their friend with the “Go play” cue.

This teaches Fido that when you recall them, it doesn’t mean the game is over. You’re using their ultimate reward – play with another dog – to your advantage.

Burn off some energy before doggy playtime

Before letting your dog play with other dogs, you should tire them out by playing with them and giving them some physical exercise first. Play a game of tug or fetch with a toy.

Play with your dog for a few minutes so they can use up some energy. After that, let them have some fun playing with other dogs. This will help them focus on you more, and teaches them that recall allows them to have lots of fun and get exercise playing with you.

Thanks for getting all the way to the end. If your pooch’s behavior is becoming a problem, then I recommend hiring a professional trainer who specializes in this type of issue.

Check out this post on leash reactivity if your dog starts lunging and barking when on leash.

Have a great day with your dogs and see you next time!

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