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What is a Sploot?

Splooting is a cute, relaxed pose dogs do that has become famous online. But what is a sploot, why do dogs do it and when should you worry?
aa dog laying on its tummy with its legs behind it with the caption what is a sploot

Dogs are lovable when they are being themselves. They have a goofy personality that makes us want to be around them. Did you know that your pet can look even cuter by adopting a certain posture?

If you’ve never heard of it, or haven’t spent too much time browsing the internet, we’d like to introduce you to something called the sploot.

But what is a Sploot?

The sploot is a relaxed pose dogs do that has become famous online. A term was even made up for it because it is so unique.

Contents of this article:

  1. What is a sploot?
  2. What is it called when a dog lays with its legs out?
  3. Why do dogs sploot?
    1. Staying cool in the heat
    2. To enjoy a good stretch out
    3. Youngsters are more flexible
  4. Different varieties of the sploot.
    1. The Original Sploot, also known as the Double Sploot or Full Sploot.
    2. The Half Sploot.
    3. The Side Sploot
  5. When is splooting a problem?
  6. Why does my dog stretch a lot?
    1. Limping.
    2. Reduced activity levels.
    3. Loss of appetite.
    4. Inflammation or skin rashes.
  7. Summary – what is a sploot?

What is a sploot?

A sploot is a type of stretch that involves the dog laying down on their tummy and kicking one or both legs behind the body so that they look like they are a swimming frog.

The legs are splayed out backwards in a kind of lazy frog pose and the hips are fully exended.

This pose is unusual because normally dogs will lay with their feet tucked fairly close to their abdomen, rather than stretching them all the way out the back.

This is a uniquely cute pose that was given the name sploot.

What is it called when a dog lays with its legs out?

Although the sploot is mostly seen in corgis, other dog breeds perform it as well, notably French bulldogs and pugs. Larger breeds are known to perform the sploot from time to time, but it is more common in puppies than adults. Other animals, including cats, pandas, and bears also do the sploot.

Why do dogs sploot?

Splooting is a typical behavior for many creatures, particularly dogs with flexible hips and legs, despite its unusual name. So, why do animals bother doing it anyhow, apart from to give you a truly adorable photo opportunity?

There are several causes for dog sploot, and the following are just a few:

Staying cool in the heat

They may do the sploot as a way to cool off if it’s excessively hot outside or if they’ve been running around lately.

Dogs do not sweat like humans do. They pant to cool down, and they can loose heat through their paws, but sometimes that isn’t enough.

Some dogs would rather lay on the cold floor, because it feels good to them. The sploot is perfect for this because it allows them to touch as much of the cool surface of the floor with as possible with their tummy.

To enjoy a good stretch out

Like their human counterparts, pet dogs need to stretch every now and then. A sploot is a great way for your dog to relax and stretch their entire body. Because of the method in which it’s done, your dog may sploot at any time and it’s also extremely relaxing and comfortable for them.

Dogs may also sploot in order to relieve tension from their joints if they are in discomfort.

Youngsters are more flexible

When dogs are younger, they sploot more frequently since their hips and legs are more flexible. When they’re little, splooting can also aid in the strengthening of their hip flexors, which will help them avoid certain age-related issues as they get older.

Different varieties of the sploot.

Splooting allows dogs to modify it depending on their preferences and there are many variations on the sploot position.

Some dogs just have a harder time stretching than others. They may choose to stretch out one area or one side of their body more than another.

Here are some common modifications to the famous sploot:

The Original Sploot, also known as the Double Sploot or Full Sploot.

This is the most famous sort of sploot, and it was precisely what the word was invented for. This version of the sploot is defined by the dog’s hind legs being stretched out completely behind them.

When they want to cool off, this provides them with the most surface area on their body and allows for the greatest amount of stretch across their entire body.

The Half Sploot.

The half sploot is a splooting technique in which one hind leg is stretched out while the other is kept beneath the body.

A half sploot is an excellent alternative for older dogs who still want to sploot to stretch and relax, but might not be as supple as they used to be.

The Side Sploot

When a dog is in the side sploot, they are stretched out on one side and tucked inside their bodies. The side sploot is distinct from the half sploot because the dogs has rolled more onto one hip as well. This posture is usually a step between the sploot and resting on their side.

When is splooting a problem?

Splooting is a sweet pose that may be posted online for others to enjoy, but it might also signal an underlying health problem going on with your pet.

Dogs who are not flexible enough to do so may find splooting poses uncomfortable, since it involves moving their legs and hips at unusual angles, like a human doing the splits.

However, if your dog suddenly begins splooting when they’ve never done it before, you should take him to the veterinarian as they might have an issue with their hips or knees, or they might have a tummy ache or some other discomfort.

Splooting may be a symptom of hip issues such as dysplasia, where the ball and socket joint of the hip do not fit together as well as they should.

Splooting isn’t a cause of hip dysplasia; it’s typically hereditary, although a variety of environmental factors may be involved.

If you think your dog may have hip issues, it’s best to have a veterinary professional look at them.

Why does my dog stretch a lot?

Some dogs might start splooting if they have an injury. Other dogs might start splooting if they have arthritis.

Even young dogs can suffer with arthritis. 35% of dogs over the age of 12 months have arthritis and a whopping 80% of dogs over 8 years old suffer with it too.

If your dog is naturally splooting, it may be nothing more than a cute pose. But if you notice your dog having other problems along with splooting, then you might have a health problem on your hands that you need to take care of.

Here are a few things to keep an eye out for if your dog’s splooting is a warning sign.:


If your dog suddenly finds it difficult to walk around, or has started walking with a limp, then they may be experiencing hip problems. A dog who can’t put weight on their hips may not be able to walk as well or as long as they might do normally.

Bear in mind the absence of a limp does not necessarily mean a dog doesn’t have hip problems and many dogs are very good at disguising pain.

Reduced activity levels.

If your dog suddenly stops being active and just stays in one spot all day, it might be a sign that something is wrong. This might mean that the dog has hip dysplasia, but it could also be a sign of arthritis or another leg or hip problem.

Loss of appetite.

A healthy animal should have a healthy appetite. If your dog has stopped eating as much or has chosen to sploot near the food but does not actually reach for its dog bowl, it may be suffering from digestive or dental issues.

Inflammation or skin rashes.

Some dogs get a rash or an allergy on their skin and it makes them feel hot. They may try to cool themselves down by splooting, lying down so that their belly touches the cold floorto cool themselves down faster.

If your dog is not the type that normally likes to sploot but then starts splooting suddenly, examine their skin. If you detect any allergies or rashes on your dog’s skin, take them to the vet.

Your dog might feel hot if they’re injured. This is because the body part that is injured is inflamed, which makes the dog feel warm. Dogs usually try to cool down by putting that body part on a cooler surface.


So if you’ve ever wondered what it means when a dog sits like a frog, you’re not alone. This quirky move is called splooting, and its totally normal behavior for some dogs. But in some cases, if your dog suddenly begins splooting, it could be a sign of an underlying health issue. If your dog is limping, has reduced activity, or has stopped eating, you should take them to the vet to have them checked out.

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