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How to stop your dog from jumping on people using Four on the Floor dog training

a small dog jumping up at a womans bare legs with the caption How to stop your dog from jumping on people using Four on the Floor dog training

Do you have a dog that loves to jump up on people? If so, you may be wondering how to train them not to do it. Jumping up is an unacceptable behavior in most social situations, so it’s important to get your dog trained not to do it. After all, who doesn’t want a well-behaved pup?

A great training method to combat this behavior is called “four on the floor” dog training. This technique focuses on positive reinforcement so you won’t have to resort to cruel punishments to dissuade your dog from jumping up. So, how does it work? And is it right for your dog? Let’s take a closer look.

Contents of this article:

  1. What is four on the floor dog training and how does it work?
  2. Why is the four on the floor exercise an effective method for discouraging unwanted behavior?
  3. How to train a dog not to jump with four on the floor.

What is four on the floor dog training and how does it work?

This method uses positive reinforcement to train dogs not to jump up. The goal is to get your dog to keep four paws on the ground whenever someone approaches them. This can be accomplished by using attention as a reward when your dog has all four paws on the floor.

Over time, your dog will learn that jumping up gets them no attention, while being calm and polite will earn them exactly what they want.

Why is the four on the floor exercise an effective method for discouraging unwanted behavior?

There are several reasons four on the floor dog training is an effective method for discouraging jumping up.

First, this training method relies on positive reinforcement rather than punishment. This means that your dog will be more likely to respond well to the training and not become fearful, anxious or resentful.

Second, four on the floor dog training is a very specific method that targets jumping up behavior specifically. This makes it an effective way to combat this particular unwanted behavior.

Finally, this method is relatively easy to implement and does not require a lot of time or effort. By using attention as a reward, you can simply reinforce good behavior without having to constantly correct your dog.

Overall, four on the floor dog training is an effective and humane method for discouraging jumping up in dogs.

How to train a dog not to jump with four on the floor.

If you are interested in how to get a dog to stop jumping on people and trying out four on the floor dog training, there are a few steps you can follow to get started.

The first step is to identify all the times you accidentally make it worthwhile for your dog to have their paws off the floor.

This could be something as innocuous as pushing them down when they jump up and put their paws on you. Or giving them eye contact and speaking to them. Even if you’re telling off your dog, this is still attention. It’s rewarding the dog for jumping up and reinforcing that unwanted behavior.

If you want to know how to stop your dog from jumping on people, keep an eye out for these behaviors, as you cannot extinguish the jumping up if it is being inadvertently rewarded.

To get started with four on the floor for how to teach a dog not to jump on you, you should begin by simply observing your dog’s behavior and looking for any opportunities to reward them for being calm and polite with all their four paws on the floor.

This will involve giving them attention or treats whenever they have all four paws on the floor. If their feet come off the ground at any point, stop giving them any attention, back away a step or two so they can’t land their paws on you, and reward four on the floor at the first opportunity.

It is important to be consistent with this in order to reinforce the desired behavior. Finally, you will need to be patient as it may take some time for your dog to learn the desired behavior. However, if you are consistent with the training, you should see results fairly quickly.

To stop your dog from jumping on people, start by putting them on a lead to prevent mistakes and using four on the floor dog training exercise. 

If you have been struggling to stop your dog from jumping on people, we hope the four on the floor training method has given you some ideas on how to correct this behavior.

Remember, it is important to be consistent with these techniques and remain patient while your dog learns new behaviors.

With a little bit of effort and patience, you should see a noticeable decrease in your dog’s tendency to jump on people. Have you tried any of these techniques? Let us know how they worked for you in the comments below!

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