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Why Does My Dog Bite Me When They’re Excited?

Why does my dog bite me when excited? If your dog drives you crazy we'll give you the right advice to transform them into a respectable pet!
a dog hanging on to its owners sleeve with the caption Why does my dog bite me when excited

Why does my dog bite me when they’re excited? If you have a dog that bites you when they get excited you’re not alone. Many dogs do this because they get overstimulated and can’t control their impulses.

In this post, we’ll discuss why your dog might be biting you and how to prevent it from happening in the future. Stay tuned for more tips on creating a better relationship with your furry friend!

Contents of this article:

  1. How to stop a dog from jumping and nipping when excited!
  2. Why does my dog bite me when excited?
    1. Identify triggers.
    2. Manage the environment and situations
    3. Redirect your dog’s mouth onto a toy
    4. Capturing calmness
    5. Reducing baseline stress levels with enrichment activities
    6. Teach alternative behaviors
    7. Teaching “Leave It”
    8. Stay calm and in control
  3. Why does my dog bite when I come home?
  4. What not to do when your dog jumps and bites
  5. My dog jumps and bites when excited – what can I do?

How to Stop a Dog from Jumping and Nipping when Excited! TL;DR

It can be quite frustrating when your dog starts to nip at you or your guests when they become overexcited. It can be painful and difficult to ignore. Arousal biting is a common behavior problem in dogs, but with a little bit of consistent training, it can be corrected.

An online training course like Calm Down by SpiritDog Training can be a great way to teach your dog how to stay calm when they become overexcited. With clear commands and positive reinforcement, you will have a well-behaved pooch in no time!

Why Does My Dog Bite Me When Excited?

There are a few common reasons dogs jump and bite at your sleeves when excited. One possibility is that they may simply be trying to communicate with you. Dogs use their mouths as a way to communicate, and when they’re overstimulated, they may start nipping in order to get your attention.

Another possibility is that Fido may be feeling overwhelmed or anxious when he gets too excited. This can often lead to biting as a way to release the tension.

Whatever the reason may be, there are a few things you can do to help stop this issue.

Identify Triggers

The first step is to try and figure out what is causing your pup to become so crazy in the first place. Once you know what sets them off and what the triggers are, you can start working on ways to counter those triggers.

Potential triggers that get a pooch excited can include things like meeting new people, playing with other dogs, or hearing loud noises. If you can identify what makes your furry friend the most excited, you can start working on ways to help them calm down in those situations.

Manage the Environment and Situations

If your best friend is hyper and bitey after a walk, don’t take off their leash until you can grab something to occupy them, such as a stuffed Kong, a natural chew, some scatter feeding in the garden or a lick mat.

If your pooch gets overexcited when people enter your property, then make sure they are separated by a stair gate so they can’t easily access and nip at visitors, so that Fido has an opportunity to calm down before being allowed to mingle.

By controlling the environment, the excitement level for your furry friend will be reduced, and this should help to stop them from biting. Think about when your dog starts jumping and biting and what you can do the pre-empt it to prevent them from rehearsing those unwanted behaviors.

Redirect Your Dog’s Mouth onto a Toy.

When your dog gets mouthy, just as we would with puppy biting, immediately redirect their mouth onto a toy, this will help to distract them from biting you and give them something else to focus on. 

Ensure that you provide them with plenty of appropriate toys to play with. Toys that can be chewed on or that dispense treats are ideal, as they will keep your pooch entertained and help to prevent him from getting overexcited.

Capturing Calmness

One of the most important things you can do to stop a dog from nipping when excited is to provide plenty of positive reinforcement. When they do something good, praise them and give them a treat to encourage better behavior. As a qualified dog trainer, when I’m working with a tricky case, I will advise the owners to use at least one-third of the dog’s daily ration of kibble to reward spontaneous good behaviors randomly throughout the day.

Reducing Baseline Stress Levels with Enrichment Activities

Chewling, licking, sniffing and foraging are all behaviors that help our canine companions relax and stay calm. Provide Fido with items like Kongs or chews to keep them entertained and help them reduce their stress levels. Many dogs would benefit from up to an hour of chew time per day.

It can be very beneficial to use one third of the dog’s daily ration of kibble for food finding and scatter feeding activities to use up excess energy and get the dog using their nose.

Teach Alternative Behaviors

If your dog is feeling overwhelmed or anxious, you may need to help him deal with those feelings. One way to do this is to train alternative behaviors, such as a hand touch. This will help your furry friend focus on you and trust that you will handle any difficult situations. It also teaches them a good association with hands.

Teaching “Leave It”

The “Leave It” command is a great way to help your best friend stop reacting to things that excite them. This command can be taught by saying “leave it” and then offering a food reward when they look away from the distraction. As they master this command, you can start slowly increasing the difficulty of the distractions.

Stay Calm and In Control

It’s important to make sure that you are setting the right example. If you are excitable and tend to become animated and loud when your dog gets overstimulated, they will likely follow your lead. Try and stay calm and in control when around your dog, and they will eventually learn to do the same.

Why Does My Dog Bite When I Come Home?

If your dog nips at you when you come home, it’s important to work on teaching some alternate behaviors. One way to do this is by teaching your dog a hand touch. This is where the dog’s nose boops the palm of your hand on cue.

This behavior is incompatible with the dog jumping and biting, meaning they can’t do both at the same time. As you walk in, you can use the hand touch to steer your dog quickly to a calming activity, such as a stuffed Kong, scatter feeding, or a lick mat to help them lower their excitement levels. It’s essential to have these things pre-prepared so that you are not setting your dog up to fail by making them wait around with nothing to do.

Stay calm and in control. As we mentioned, try to stay calm and in control when around your dog so as not to agitate them further. This will help to set an example for them and show them they don’t need to be excited to get your love and attention.

What NOT to do When Your Dog Jumps and Bites.

  • Do not yell or get angry at your dog. Dogs don’t understand yelling, and it will only further excite them.
  • Do not push, shove or otherwise hurt your dog. This can result in a fear aggressive dog and make the problem worse.
  • Don’t yelp. This can get them more overstimulated and perpetuate the issue.
  • Don’t hold their muzzle closed. This can be scary for your dog and may cause them to become defensive.
  • Don’t use taste deterrent spray. These can actually make your dog more excited and may lead to escalation.
  • Avoid resorting to outdated training methods or punishment techniques like alpha rolls, where you physically flip your dog over. This can cause serious injuries and only teaches your dog you are unpredictable and scary. Qualified behaviorists do not recommend it.

My Dog Jumps and Bites When Excited – What Can I Do?

There are a number of things you can do to help stop your dog from nipping when they become overstimulated. By trying to identify the triggers, managing the environment and providing plenty of positive reinforcement, you can help your dog calm down in those situations.

With a little bit of patience, time, and effort, you can help stop your dog from nipping when he’s overexcited. By figuring out what is causing the bad behavior and taking the appropriate steps, you can help your dog become a calm and well-behaved pet.

If you’re looking for a foolproof method to help your pup learn self-control, then Calm Down by SpiritDog Training is the perfect online training course. With step-by-step commands and plenty of positive reinforcement, your beloved companion will be a model dog in no time!

Check out this next article if your dog gets overexcited by other dogs.

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